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San Luis Coastal Unified School District
Filed August 28, 2004

My complaint is twofold.

In Part I, San Luis Coastal Unified School District implementation of "pluralism" violates the Establishment Clause, the Free Exercise Clause and excessively entangles government in religion.

In Part II the school district promotes Islam, compelling children to embrace a religion that in reality directly espouses hatred toward non-Muslims as written in their holy books, advancing a religion that endeavors to slaughter us. This section contains quotes from the 911 Commission Report, US Supreme Court and questions the application of California's new hate crime bill.

PART I Pluralism

"Religious Diversity, (Pluralism)" by D. Basinger is the only article offered in the Stanford University Philosophy Encyclopedia under both "Pluralism" and "Religious Diversity." Its placement is approved by a "distinguished Editorial Board" comprised of academia's elite PhD's and professors nationwide. Basinger quotes numerous university professors and authorities of pluralism, all of whom condemn actual belief when describing pluralism. In the article, (Exhibit A) they:

  1. claim to "defeat Christian exclusivism" (the belief that Christ is the only way);
  2. demand that Christian exclusivists prove their religious beliefs or relinquish them;
  3. admit the impact of pluralism can "significantly reduce levels of confidence in the truth of certain beliefs" and precipitate belief abandonment, (diminishes faith);
  4. develop formulations to determine whether Christians are "rational." (Thus begins the argument that real faith is a diagnosable mental disorder).
  5. provide a definition of pluralism that meets the legal criteria of religion and thus the Department of Education is in violation of the Establishment Clause.

"Pluralism" directly assaults religious freedom when instituted in public school curriculum and methods.


"No philosopher denies that the awareness of (realization of) seeming religious diversity sometimes does in fact have an impact on an exclusivist [believes their way is the only true way] — from causing minor uneasiness to significantly reducing her level of confidence in the truth of certain beliefs to precipitating belief abandonment."- D. Basinger, Stanford University Philosophy Encyclopedia

"[Exclusivists] should provide independent evidence for the claim that they have a special source of religious knowledge … or they should relinquish their exclusivist religious beliefs" (Silver 2001, 11).

"Julian Willard goes even further. He argues that when exclusivists become aware of diversity and cannot demonstrate that their perspective is superior to that of their competitors, they not only lose the right to hold the exclusivistic belief in question justifiably, they have an epistemic obligation to "set about abandoning" the religious practices based on this exclusivistic belief. (Willard 2001, 68)."

Basinger quoted David Silver, who also defines pluralism:

"A defeater for Christian belief would be some other belief (or other epistemic state) the possession of which would make it rationally impossible to continue to believe in the truth of Christian doctrine...I will then argue that the facts of religious pluralism do provide a defeater for his version for Christian exclusivism, and indeed for any version of religious exclusivism that is similarly based on religious experience. This is because such a defense of religious exclusivism faces a dilemma: either it involves a kind of vicious epistemic circularity, or it is highly implausible." – Religious Experience and the Facts of Religious Pluralism by David Silver, Assoc. Prof., Universities of Pennsylvania and Delaware.

The application of "pluralism", the government practice at issue, deliberately assaults religious freedom as shown above. Lower courts have demonstrated that pluralist doctrines of non-belief are being applied, ruling in favor of students memorizing prayers of worship to Allah, fasting for Ramadan and "becoming Muslim" because they "cannot be considered to have performed any actual religious activities," derived from the Ninth Circuit’s ruling which deemed expert testimony "irrelevant" and stated: "Rather than consider what effect a challenged government practice has had on a particular public school student, the Supreme Court and this circuit consistently have applied an objective standard for public school Establishment Clause inquiries." The court delegated authority to a "hypothetical reasonable observer. Eklund v. Byron School Dist, not cited; Brown v. Woodland, 27 F.3d 1373; 1994 U.S. App. Lexis 14673

This ruling shows the standard of pluralism, which denies reality of any one truth, this establishing in public education that all religions are false. There is no larger violation of religious freedom. Only a pluralist "hypothetical observer" would conclude that religious freedom is not violated when students are told to pretend they are witches, sorcerers, Muslims, etc. and participate in the practices. If there were even a shred of true faith, this observer would recognize the deep offense in this violation of religious freedom. To deny children and parents the rights to their faith is unconstitutional as demonstrated in Everson v. Board of Education, where the court ruled that the Amendment:

"requires the state to be a neutral in its relations with groups of religious believers and non-believers; it does not require the state to be their adversary. State power is no more to be used so as to handicap religions than it is to favor them." Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1, 71 -72 (1947) at 14-15. (emphasis mine)

Clearly pluralist practices are not adhering to the First Amendment.

Pluralist Belief #2: Without proof, beliefs must be relinquished

California’s elite academic professors describe pluralism in the Stanford University Philosophy Encyclopedia. Philosophy professor D. Basinger writes:

"One obvious response to religious diversity is to maintain that since there exists no divine reality — since the referent in all religious truth claims related to the divine is nonexistent — all such claims are false..."

"Can a person who acknowledges religious diversity remain justified in claiming just one perspective to be correct? If so, is it morally justifiable to attempt to convert others to a different perspective?" –Stanford Philosophy Encyclopedia, "Religious Diversity, (Pluralism)" by D. Basinger (Exhibit A)

California’s State Standards reflect this disparaging view of religion:

"Students should understand the intense religious passions that have produced fanaticism and war…"

By pointing out the purported "flaws" of "religious passion," one can recognize a system of measurement and bias against religion.

" well as the political arrangements developed (such as separation of church and state) that allow different religious groups to live amicably in a pluralistic society." History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools pg 23

The more "passionate" the belief, the more blame for societal woes is indicated in the California State Standards, exhibiting prejudice and directs a society of different religious beliefs be replaced with a "pluralistic" society. Though wars over religion have been fought between other nations, internally, different religious groups lived just as amicably before the "separation of church and state." Atheists and humanists have created the majority of religious unrest, dictating their ideology in courtrooms and classrooms since the "separation of church and state." Our nation is in need of "separation of atheist and state."

In an amazing prediction by the court, as if recognizing the future assaults by atheists, humanists and pluralists, the court ruled that:

"powerful sects or groups might bring about a fusion of governmental and religious functions or a concert or dependency of one upon the other to the end that official support of the State or Federal Government would be placed behind the tenets of one or of all orthodoxies. This the Establishment Clause prohibits. And a further reason for neutrality is found in the Free Exercise Clause, which recognizes the value of religious training, teaching and observance and, more particularly, the right of every person to freely choose his own course with reference thereto, free of any compulsion from the state. This the Free Exercise Clause guarantees. Abington School Dist. v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203 (1963)

San Luis Coastal Unified School District has fused religion and philosophy to form pluralism, fusing governmental and religious functions upon each other designing their own orthodoxies, supporting one or all orthodoxies, one size fits all. THIS the Establishment Clause expressly prohibits. To blend all orthodoxies into one, religious philosophers had to water down beliefs. California’s State Standards demonstrate that endeavor:

"Students need to understand why a democracy needs citizens who value give-and-take on issues, who do not feel it necessary to go to war over every idea, and who seek the middle ground on which consensus and cooperation can flourish." History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools pg 39

The strategy of pluralism is played out in our school’s textbook series by Houghton Mifflin:

"Write a persuasive speech in order to convince someone that Confucianism can be considered a religion. Write a dialogue between two people in which each explains the workings of one of the major religions to the other." – Modern World History textbook.

Instructing children to take the part of different religions, of which they are taught shallow and sanitized versions, and asking them to debate between them, purposefully leads children to the conclusion that all religions have no merit, no reality, and as purportedly admitted by the academic elite, "would make it rationally impossible to continue to believe in the truth of Christian doctrine."

See Exhibit B & C for more examples.

Pluralism cleverly prefers all religions (except Christianity) and disparages all religions at the same time with the purpose to cast doubt of the reality of any one truth, doubly violating the Constitution. "The government is neutral, and, while protecting all, it prefers none, and it disparages none." Abington School Dist. v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203 (1963)

Pluralist Belief #3: Christianity and Judaism are oppressive to other religions and must therefore be disparaged while other religions are enhanced, to achieve a level playing field.

Chapters in the textbook series by Houghton Mifflin blatantly disparage Christianity and Judaism while presenting fanciful presentations of various other religions. While 7th grade students are told to "Assume you are a Muslim soldier" and imagine they are on their way to Mecca, in the Christian section the only "fun" and imaginative exercise is to imagine they are in the catacombs [tombs] of dead Christians. (If you apply Christian beliefs, this puts the "body of Christ" back in the tomb). In the Judaism section, the only similar exercise is to imagine they are with the Jews as Jews are forced to leave their homeland. The only religion named under the topic "Understanding Religious Persecution" is Christianity (pg 315 Across the Centuries)

"Innovative curriculum practices" are found in Houghton Mifflin textbooks to include pluralist beliefs and practices programmed to compare each religion "equally" with the lure to conclude that if all religions are equal there is no one truth, thereby directly attacking religious belief.

In the landmark US Supreme Court decision implementing the "separation of church and state", Justice Black wrote in his opinion: "The 'establishment of religion' clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Everson v. Board of Education of Ewing TP., 330 U.S. 1 (1947)

Harvard University has distinctly violated Justice Black's ruling by financially supporting and providing office space to "The Pluralism Project," which "aids all religions" and at the same time, "prefers one religion over another" as shown in the following:

"The Pluralism Project maintains an extensive directory of religious centers in the United States. At present, this directory exists in a searchable database, with listings of over 4500 centers across the United States. It does not include information on Christian or Jewish centers, as these can be readily found in the local phonebook; however, it does include listings for Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Taoist, and Zoroastrian Temples and Centers, as well as Baha'i and Pagan Centers, Islamic Centers and Masajid, and Sikh Gurdwaras."

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