A Message from God

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God Warns America  Index

President Bush, Iraq, Patriot Heroes & Troops: Our forefathers would applaud!

United Nations, Davis Recall Plot,  BlessedCause impacts in Politics & Whose groping Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Spirit of the antichrist alive and well in California schools

Stand up against Sex Ed Porn in public school

News Coverage of Islam in Public Schools

Woe to ACLU and NEA Teachers Union

Christ Abandoned, answer the call to sign petition links, be counted!

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The Sign of Jonah explained,  God's message is heard

Islam Induction in our Public School Textbooks
actual words of Houghton Mifflin exposed and why

Quotes of Quran, Hadiths, Koran about infidels

Revelation 12

BlessedCause Footwashing Ministries

Christian Encouragement

Hearing God & Personally Witnessed  Miracles

Free Original Christian Art, Music & Sculpture

How Clinton, ACLU rigged Religious Guidelines & U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton

Thank you to all vets, our troops and military! God BLESS and lead you!

John Walker Lindh & California school proselytizing

Islam proselytized in Public School

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Instruction                                                              6163.1
School Libraries
Library Book and Media Selection Procedures
  1. Procedures for Selection:

    In selecting materials for school media programs, the certificated library/media personnel in consultation with selection committees will: evaluate the existing collection, assess curricula needs, examine materials and consult reputable, professionally prepared selection aids. Recommendations for acquisition will be solicited from faculty and students.

    It should be understood that selection is an ongoing process which should include the removal of materials no longer appropriate and the replacement of lost and worn materials still of educational value.
  2. Procedures Regarding Gifts:

    Gifts of money are acceptable with the understanding on the part of the donor that hte money be given to the District and that books or designated library materials will be purchased after being selected according to the District criteria for selection.

    Gift materials should be judged by the criteria listed in the criteria for selection and should be accepted or rejected on the basis of those criteria.
  3. Sharing of Library Resources and Networking:

    Each school library/media center in the San Luis Coastal Unified School District is considered part of a total library/media system. All library media personnel are guided by the educational objectives and policies of the District. All materials may be shared and may be made available upon request to other school library/media centers in the District.

    The San Luis Coastal Unified School District school library/media centers are members of TIE (Total Inter0Library Exchange) and have borrowing privileges from the Black Gold Cooperative Library System libraries and TIE libraries in return will loan materials at the discretion of the lending library/media center.
  4. Procedure for Reconsideration of Challenged Material

    In a democracy there are many beliefs and opposing viewpoints. It is the objective of school libraries to promote education and through education a tolerance for diverse opinions. The San Luis Coastal Unified School District supports the principles of intellectual freedom inherent in the First Amendment of hte Constitution of the American Library Association and the Students' Right to Read of the National Council of Teachers of English.

    At some time there may be objection to material acquired by a school library/media center. Books or materials will not be removed from the library/media center shelves until after a thorough review has been made. Any person or group may direct a complaint in writing on the Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials form to the superintendent.

    Refer to Rule 6161 (a) for procedure.


The American Library Association, believing that the library is an open forum for ideas, affirms the following basic policies which should govern the services of all libraries.

  1. Library materials should be chosen for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all the people of the community. No library  materials should be excluded because of the sex, age, race, nationality, or the social, political, or religious views of those contributing to their creation.
  2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of our times. No library materials should be proscribed or removed from libraries because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  3. Censorship should be challenged by libraries in the maintenance of their responsibility to provide public information and enlightenment.
  4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgement of free expression and free access to ideas.
  5. The right of an individual to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of sex, age, race, religion, national origin, or social or political views.
  6. Libraries which maintain meeting rooms, exhibit space, or other facilities open to the public should make them available on equal terms to all persons, regardless of their beliefs or affiliation.


Rules Approved:  May 20, 1975  By San Luis Coastal Unified School District
         Revised:      June 5,   1979       San Luis Obispo, California

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