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Even though blessedcause has posted excerpts of the Quran showing what terrorists do is sanctioned by Islam, I have to say that every American Muslim I have ever met has been kind, friendly and gentle. The thought of anyone persecuting an American Muslim, especially a child, is highly offensive to me. The kids that I drive to school know that if they really want fireworks, say something detrimental about a Muslim or any group. Contrary to popular belief, I do not hate Muslims or homosexuals, I’ve partied with them, I’ve dated them, I’ve washed their feet and I’ve wept for them.

I’ve known more homosexuals in my life than Muslims. I lived in Ashland, Oregon, a highly populated gay community. I became really close with a man who was bi, he used to get stoned out of his head and tell me all kinds of things about the gay community, and I saw first hand the torture he was going through. It wasn't from persecution, in fact, his biggest problem was he was in such high demand. His life was the most tragic I'd ever known and at the time, I couldn't help him, all I could do was be there for him.  Don't tell me I hate gays, you have no idea what you're saying.

I hate what homosexuality did to him. I hate the medical consequences gay people go through. I hate that homosexuality drags you into it deeper and deeper until you don't recognize yourself any more as you reach for escapes that just get you in deeper. I hate the appetites that develop the deeper you get into perversion, always looking for the deeper thrill. I hate the darkness and I hate the despair. And when I see that reaching out for our little children, telling our children that anal sex is normal in spite of the dire consequences it brings, the lies about AIDS and homosexual lifestyles...I get activated. I have already offered the militant gay groups a deal. Stop trying to recruit our children! Get your gay militant activists out of our public schools and I'll shut up about the truth about homosexuality, AIDS, pedophilia and gay marriage. Homosexual activists started this fight. And it grieves me that much of what I have to say hurts individual homosexuals, but I will not stand by and watch our children be recruited into a lifestyle that is harmful.

It is the same thing with Muslims. I have NO PROBLEM with Muslims, in fact there is the nicest Muslim kid that my son is getting to know better and I’m thrilled, he seems like a really nice kid. I purposely buy my gas from the Muslim gas station in town, the people are so nice there. I’ve dated Muslim men, (I thought they believed in Jesus as the Christ), and I was very fond of a Muslim that I used to work with and banter, we would laugh so hard. It feels odd to refer to him as "a Muslim" because he is just like me, except in matters of faith. I have NO PROBLEMS with Muslims, I’ve never met one I didn’t like. (Though to be honest, I don't think I've met one that takes their religion seriously.)

But I take SERIOUS ISSUE with tyrannical public school educators trying to push Islam and homosexuality on children, shocking examples are all over this website. Religious freedom means we have the right to worship Who or what we want, and public school should NOT be dissing Christianity while forcing and glorifying Islam, homosexuality or any other ideology to young children. I am angry, but it’s not at Muslims or homosexuals, it’s at the arrogant tyranny of our public school systems. And because of their actions, I am forced to object loudly to what they are teaching. It grieves me that it does hurt individual Muslims or homosexuals, but I will not sit by quietly while public school educators impose their ideology on young children.

When public school teachers and activists stop foisting their liberal views to their captive audience, then I’ll stop listing all the reasons I object. But until our children are left in peace to learn READING, WRITING and ARITHMETIC, I have no choice but to defend my family.

I tell you the truth, Jesus would not be clapping out erasers or grading papers and serving the  teachers as they pass out pornographic homosexual materials to children or ask them to memorize prayers on their hands and knees to  allah and  fast for Ramadan. Christian children are the temples of God, to teach them such things is an abomination. I have no doubt there would be some serious table throwing if Jesus was in a classroom where children are taught:

"There are a lots of ways for gay men to have enjoyable sex. ... It's up to you to find out what you like and how you like to do it. ... Jerking off is a fun, safe and healthy way for guys to enjoy our bodies and fantasies." The author goes on to provide explicit details of how "gay men can make love." A note of encouragement follows profanity-laced tips on performing anal sex: "You may have to practice a bit before it starts feeling really good." ~ "Young, Gay & Proud"

I am sincerely sorry for any grief I cause individual Muslims or homosexuals while I confront public schools with what they are teaching our children. That was not my intent. Muslims and homosexuals are precious in the eyes of God and I know your grief breaks His heart even more than it does mine. Jesus wept for the Pharisees on the temple steps asking "how will you escape the fires of hell?" knowing they had not accepted Him as Lord and Savior, knowing what was in their hearts. All people are precious to the LORD, but some actions are to be condemned, and some beliefs are commanded to be avoided. That is our religious freedom. Public school educators must STOP their abuse of our freedoms.

~ Jen Shroder

Okay, time for a little story. This actually happened and I know about it FIRST HAND because I was involved in getting the problem stopped.

In our area, we have a nice park with lots of woods and trails which go back into the woods. On any given day and evening, we have soccer teams, softball and baseball teams, and other activities going on in the park, mostly for kids and teens.

One evening, about six years ago, a couple of kids were warming up for a softball game, when one of them jokingly tossed the softball into the woods. The other kid (the owner of the softball) got mad and went into the woods to try and find the ball. It wasn't totally dark (heading to dusk) and, though the kid didn't find the ball, here is what he DID find:

-used and discarded condoms
-used and discarded hypodermics
-partially empty and empty tubes of nonoxynol-9
-men's underpants
-gay male porn
-dead animals (small ones)

The kid came running out of the woods and the two went and told their parents, who called the police. Turned out, the police had been having trouble with men "cruising" the park at night and going into the woods for sex (on the other side of the park) but the police didn't know about this area (where the kids found the stuff listed).

As a parent and grandparent, and because it was the park where my husband and I coached our special olympic softball team kids, I decided to get involved in the clean up effort. First thing on the list was going to the Mayor and asking her to help us convince the park service to close the park after ball games at night (which would not have required THAT much!)

The mayor called a public hearing about the issue (we didn't know why she did til it happened). Appearing at the hearing was a farily large, and very boisterous group, of GAY MEN! They protested the idea of closing the park early because as one said: "this is AIMED AT US!" And then several proceded to call it discrimination against gays! We were like: woah! Is this a park club or something???

I placed a call to a local gay church (MCC) and asked if someone from there would come out (this was the next day, the Mayor wanted to have yet another meeting about the park situation) and asked if someone from their group would mention that NOT ALL GAYS do this and MOST do not favor public sex. I had hoped that this would convince the Mayor that this wasn't a "gay issue" really, but a concern for ALL of the community. I was told NO, they would not, because it "targeted gays". I remember thinking: "yipes! this is too weird for words!"

Eventually, and in spite of the Mayors' waffling and caving into her constituency (she was a liberal, sorry, and she had financial support from the gay community) we got them to clean up the park and close it at the appropriate time (after activities were over). We had to do this by going to the WILDLIFE COMMISSIONER and show him the results of animals ingesting nonoxynol-9 and choking on condoms they had apparently ingested as well! The wildlife commissioner put the squeeze on the Mayor for us.

This wasn't about GAYS, it was about the safety of children! Hypodermics, used ones, are a definite health hazard, so are used condoms.

by Dovessong at Hannity.com

see related article: Public Gay Sex in Parks protected by Judge

(1) Shocking porn used as educational material and other articles

See also: Top 20 Gay Affronts in Public Schools

Devastating Consequences of Homosexual Marriage Part 1 & 2

Homosexuality Is Not Normal by Ben Cerruti, MichNews.com


Related article: Loving Muslims, Hating Educational Tyranny

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