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I have total admiration for the work that Jen has done. She is very brave. I am a 7th grade English teacher in Los Angeles. I am glad that Jen brought up the matter of the Across the Centuries/Islamic teachings. The history teachers at my school have been clueless.

Last year one history teacher admitted she allowed a Muslim student to lead a prayer to show how Ramadan works.

Now we have Planned Parenthood come to teach a two week unit on sex education. Why can't our health teachers do this? I am considering speaking out about this. I am not comfortable having an agenda spreading organization indoctrinating our students. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them! Jen, please keep up the great work!

When I read your webpage, I wonder: where is the love that Jesus taught? Certainly, the whole tone is the opposite of love. You need to examine your conscience. You will be judged by your fruit.

(name omitted)
Assistant Professor of History
Social Sciences Section
Purdue University North Central
Westville, IN 46391


Sir, Jesus taught a lot. What I do I do out of love for the children that are being frightfully led to dangerous places. As far as what Jesus taught and the way He taught it, you're right, He teaches with love. And it's with love that He said in John 5:14 "quit sinning or something worse may happen to you." Matthew 11:20, Jesus says, "WOE TO YOU BETHSAIDA! WOE TO YOU KORAZIN!" In Matthew 7:5, "Jesus calls us, 'Hypocrites.'" In Matthew 7:11, He says, "Thou you are EVIL...." Jesus is invited by a Pharisee, which we ALL are at times, to dinner and how did JESUS respond? Jesus goes to the man's house and OFFENDS them with the SEVEN WOES. Then in Luke 12:51, Jesus tells us, "I did not come to bring peace on earth but division." These are but a few verses that I know of where Jesus showed "His love" but the point is that we, you and I, are called to follow Jesus in all things. So let us learn from the Master and be lead of the Spirit. (excerpts from Matt)
Sir, I understand where you are coming from, you have no idea how I have wrestled with the Holy Spirit to love the people I am confronting face to face. I confess my heart has grown so cold and hard at time as I open my eyes to what is being taught to our children. This past year has been the hardest of my life. I have been going through such growing pains that I hope to never go through again. I am sincerely in prayer that my part is done in this as far as the media goes. But I will go where He leads.
You said look for fruit. The media wanted to publish a post I had about the fruit, you would not believe the things that have been happening because of "BlessedCause" and what God did through it. But I took down every page that pointed it out because if I bring attention to it, it would put the events in jeapordy, and for what? Only my pride to boast.
God has blessed me with so much fruit I am completely astounded. But I do understand your concern, I have been concerned about my position all year. I praise God for His mercy and leading. I failed the test so many times, standing in front of the school board, but God doesn't let me skip class, and He most definately led me to this place. If you doubt me, please read the beginning of "God the Author" at my site.
Learning to love those who are determined to corrupt children, even if it's only because they don't know any better, is not easy but it can be done. Right now He has me in an extremely nurturing place of healing and my heart is softening, thank God. You have no idea how often I wanted to shut my eyes and be blind, ignore the facts and focus only on the love of Christ and drink it in. Yes, I need to do that, so very often, it's the only way to love those I've confronted, and I can honestly, finally say, I do.

Thank you for your concern. Please pray for me. God be with you, JenT

I heard you a. m. Friday KSFO.....

I believe fighting this text is urgent...If you have volunteer list, please place me on it....Have been a political activist for many years.... Live in South San Francisco,,,,-FP


Re: 'Across the Centuries'.

I have talked with my daughter's Middle School Principal and she has decided to skip the chapter on Muslim history altogether. They skipped from the Roman Empire and went directly to the Middle Ages.
I think the problem with the book can be traced to an Arabic Muslim 'scholar' who is listed as one of the authors of 'Across the Centuries'.
By the way, it is unconstitutional for the U.S. or any State to teach religion, because it breaks the 'Establishment of Religion' clause (separation of Church and State). That book was indoctrinating our children in some of the Authors' own religious views when it made erroneous statements about the Christian faith. I think it was no accident. The Islamic Mullahs want to indoctrinate our children, subtly leading them toward Islam and making it look attractive.
Muslim clerics and apologists are infiltrating our colleges, and I am sure that one of their future aims is to get control of our educational system as administrators and teachers. May God help us and our children. *******************
After I sent my e-mail to you , I began exploring some of the links on your site, and the articles from newspapers. I sent an e-mail to Senator O'Connell to let him know that I was 'totally and completely' opposed to the subject matter in the text books. I am only one voice.

I also buy into some of the conspiracy theories, and I DO believe it is largely about oil (money). It's always money.

So, I don't really need any more information specifically from you, as I discovered there was a wealth of information on your web site. If there is ever anything I can do to help you in this particular cause, feel free to count me as an enlisted man in your small army.

Oh, I also intend to send 'shredder' a letter, I hope you don't mind. Being a non - practicing Christian, I find that I must sometimes edit my text very carefully...I promise I will. ;)

Happy Easter  -GF

Like what you are doing. Have had some similar experiences. In Fairfax County, Virginia, H-M came down hard on those of us who complained about  their dumbed down math books. Keep up your good work.

I did not see any link or reference to John Taylor Gatto on your site. You might want to check johntaylorgatto.com and read his books. He has the best insights to school issues of anyone I have read.
If you must keep your kids in public school, teach them to be skeptical, to question what they are "taught."
Dear Jennifer Shroder:

Be of good courage and walk tall before the Lord. Repentance is your witness! What could more clearly demonstrate the work of a loving God in someone's life than open confession, and what does the nation need more than that. You are a leader in this great cause, to bring us to our knees that we may know Him and be blessed! David (...I have sinned against the God alone) , Saul, Paul, and others were openly sorry for their sins. What you have shared today is enough. It will not matter what the paper does. That you have taken the steps is enough--you have sought to walk with a clear conscience before God and man...now release and forgive yourself:)

The Lord your God is Holy and His ways are above finding out. Like Esther, you were born for such a time as this. There is Glory in His house and you are the Lord's handmaiden. Be at peace child. He will work ALL things together for YOUR good!

His love no knows bounds and he is well pleased daughter, trust His love and MERCY!:)

May you walk TALL and STAND STRONG as you encourage yourself in the Lord this day!

With Warm and Peaceful Regards,
Don't miss
"Corruption in our children's

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